Alligator Safety Tips.

In light of the recent tragedy at Disney World’s Seven Seas Lagoon, much has been speculated over regarding what either Disney or the family involved could have done to prevent the alligator attack. Most Florida natives and long term residents have a general familiarity with alligator safety basics, but an attack can happen to anyone. So, what should you remember in order to keep yourself and your family safe?

First, understand that alligator fatalities are very rare. Alligators usually have a natural shyness and fear of humans and in most cases, will retreat when confronted by a person. But as the human population in Florida grows each day and land development continues to encroach on gator habitats, the frequency of contact between humans and alligators increases.

There has been an increase in reports of gators being found in swimming pools, backyards, ditches, drainage ponds, and son on. Although these enormous reptiles are (for the most part) docile, they are still extremely dangerous animals, especially when they are caught by surprise while protecting their nest or babies.

Unfortunately, people make the mistake of violating Florida law by feeding wild gators. As a result, the gator becomes a “nuisance” gator and must be captured and relocated. Which brings us to the first safety tip: Never feed alligators in the wild.

Other safety tips include:

  • Never letting small children or small pets swim where alligators may be present.
  • Never swim near vegetated shorelines or other remote or densely vegetated areas.
  • Avoid swimming at dusk or dark.
  • Stay close to where others are swimming. Do not swim alone.
  • Splash and make lots of noise when you swim.
  • Alligators should never be approached

Although the alligator population’s habitat continues to be impeded by rapid development, these common sense rules can reduce your risk of a dangerous encounter. For more tips and water front services contact the experts at Professional Waterfront Cleanup.

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Professional Waterfront Cleanup did a great job assessing, clearing & maintaining our lakefront and are knowledgeable about state regulations. However after using them for years, they recently, abruptly dropped us as customers. Without contact, returning phone calls or providing notice, they've ended our business relationship, apparently because we asked the local FWC agent about a neighbor's waterfront project where PWC equipment was being used. Our disappointment with their response (or rather lack of one when we've initiated contact) and the way they abruptly ended our monthly service leads us to question their 'professionalism". Our 5 star satisfaction has dropped to this 3 star use-with-caution review.

Pat Arnold
October 19, 2015


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